Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our first independent outing

We are slowly getting more independent here as we (I mean Dave) get more comfortable driving. Our maiden voyage in the Suzuki Caribbean was a trip to the pool in our neighbourhood. We made it there without incident, although we were both sweating bullets. There are a ton of t-intersections here and none of them have yield or stop signs, so when we approach one at the same time as another car, Dave calls out, "Who gets to go? Who gets to go?" over and over until it becomes apparent that the other driver intends to plow on through ahead of us.

Here we are, triumphantly visiting the pool:



High on the achievement of having left the house by ourselves, we decided we'd attempt ordering lunch. This actually wasn't any great achievement at all. It doesn't exactly require cajones of steel to point at listings on a menu, but we were proud of ourselves anyway. I can't say enough about how insanely delicious the food is here. I wake up in the morning dreaming of pad Thai and massive plates of steamed vegetables. At the pool we ordered three bottles of Fanta and two huge plates of fried rice with chicken, and our total came to $3.80. I think it's safe to assume we won't be losing any weight while we're living here!

Liv enjoying her Fanta

Bella, who is now battling a severe Fanta addiction


Colin and Jannose said...

Sarah: Its great to be able to read your information as we are starting to count down towards our trip. Your dad looks so happy to be with his grand kids!! We now have internet set up at home so we can follow your adventures daily. Dave, I'm not driving while we are there. See you guys in two months. You'll be pros at getting around the area then.


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