Sunday, January 20, 2008

Trip to the Bua Tong waterfall


On Saturday we drove about 50 km out of the city to visit the Bua Tong waterfall. I felt like crap because I have come down with mastitis, but thanks to a little DIY medical diagnosis and treatment, all I had to do was waltz into a pharmacy and pick out the antibiotic I wanted, so between that and some ibuprofen, I felt well enough to do some waterfall trekking.

The rock at this waterfall is limestone, so it's not at all slippery. It's really neat; it feels sort of like it is gripping your feet when you step on it. The kids could walk around without falling, and they really enjoyed themselves.

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Dave and Isabella

Olivia and my dad


I remember reading in a book about Thai culture that Thais love children, but I had no idea how true it was until we got here. As soon as we arrived in the Bangkok airport, the mobbing started. Everywhere we go, people come rushing over to see our kids. It's like the kids are celebrities. People will just stop what they're doing to watch them or come over and chat away to them in Thai. And when they see the baby in his sling, it's on. I think the only thing Thais like more than children is babies. People go crazy over him. It's really cool. Very different from home.

While we were at the waterfall, Dave and the kids went over to swim in this little pond:

Liv and Bella

I stayed behind to nurse the baby. At one point I looked over and there was a huge crowd of people around the pond. Sure enough, it was a group of Thai people taking pictures of the girls. This group of Thai kids asked if they could take a picture with Bella and Liv:


Think my girls are going to be bummed out when they get home and the paparazzi stop following them?


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