Friday, April 11, 2008

This Hamster is not Dead



This is Hammy, the hamster we are taking care of for the family who normally lives in this house. Hammy is a Russian Dwarf hamster of indeterminate age and dubious physical condition.

Nearly every day we find Hammy contorted in some stiff, rigor-mortis-like pose in the bottom of his cage and begin making immediate preparations for the funeral; yet, somehow, he lives on, despite the 40+ degree heat. The other day I came upon Hammy lying feebly on his side, twitching his legs spastically, and I was convinced it was all over. Apparently, however, he was merely having a dream that he was out running through the grass, rather than cooped up in a 12-inch-by-8-inch cage inside a house doing a pretty darn good impersonation of a sauna.

Hammy has now been moved into our room to enjoy the air-conditioned comfort (and to cover our floor with the sawdust he kicks through the bars of his cage). Hopefully he will continue to live out his glorious existence for the next six weeks at least, because I don't relish the idea of having to email the missionary family in Texas to tell them their adorable little furry friend is no more.


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